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Friday, 28-03-2025
República Portuguesa-Cultura Homepage DGLAB

Book Department

Book Department

Book Department

The DGLAB's Book Department has set up an integrated program to stimulate writing and publishing, as well as promoting writers, illustrators, books and reading.  

Five major projects are underway: 

  • The Promotion of Portuguese Literature Abroad aims to make the work of Portuguese writers and illustrators better known outside Portugal on an enduring base. Classic and contemporary, living and dead authors, the project entails all the literary range of creation and also picture books and comics.
  • Support for Writing and Publishing promotes all forms of literary creation by supporting authors, literary prizes and Portuguese institutions related to literature. It also produces information on publishers and bookshops.  

  • The National Reading Promotion Programme aims to reduce illiteracy and create readers by means of its own projects or in partnership with other bodies such as the National Reading Plan, the Public Libraries Network and the Portuguese Prison Service.  

  • The Portuguese-Language Bibliographic Network is a promotional programme for books and reading in Portuguese-speaking countries. The network operates in partnership with other national bodies and with those from the target countries such as African libraries.

  •  The Documentation Centre on Portuguese Writers produces and provides information on Portuguese writers, systematically updating the largest existing database.