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Grants for picture books and comics

Grants for picture books and comics
The Grants for the Publication of Picture Books and Comics were created to promote Portuguese illustration worldwide. By Portuguese illustration we mean the work done by Portuguese picture book artists but also the one by foreign artists living and working in Portugal. The funds can be allocated to books already published and to unpublished works, resulting from foreign publishers proposals to Portuguese or Portugal based illustrators. 

The direct beneficiaries of this Funding Programme are the publishing houses.  Portuguese publishers can also apply, in any case the applicants must commit to publish and distribute, on an international level, works by eligible picture book artists.  

Application deadline: 31st May

Applications include:
Applications  can be submitted by email to

After submitting their applications, publishers will receive a confirmation message.
  • Translation and publication costs are partially funded.
  • The financial support is paid by the DGLAB until the end of the year of application.
  • The publisher shall be requested to sign an Agreement with the DGLAB concerning the financial support to be given.
  • Applications received after the deadline are included into the next year's assessment.
  • Works may not be printed prior to the announcement of the programme's results.
  • All documentation must be submitted with the application form.
  • DGLAB must be immediately informed in the event of any change regarding the application.

Publishers’ Commitments: 
The publisher is asked to acknowledge the financial support by printing the following inscription, along with the logo:
 Funded by the DGLAB Directorate-General for Books, Archives and Libraries / Cultura  Portugal
Send five copies of the published work to the DGLAB.

Final Arrangements:
The unjustified failure to comply with the obligations arising from the Rules and from the Agreement that has been signed implies the cancellation of the subsidy that was granted and the restitution of the amounts received. The Publisher may further be barred for a period of three years from submitting applications for the same Funding.

List of  supported works in previous editions:

2024  2023  2022